Cheers:) 2009 Exhibition Private View 我的小小展區

My little corner :)
After setting, I am quite satisfied because the window behind looks like a big frame!

Designer: Anoosh Naghibi
Models: Judy
Jay Vaisey
Tara Griffin
Lucy Victoria
Michael Parrett


God I am making this blog boring...還是貼照片好=3=

so let's have some pics today!
just helped out with my make-up artist friend today with his colourful project :)
Haven't really finished retouching...

Make-up artist: Jun Sato
Model: Skir


Still progressing...進度好慢Q口Q

Got 200 small prints out for project.
Preparing for the Cheers2009 exhibition as well. Still have 2 photos to mount...
Hope things will go well!!!


My reading today 今日讀書進度

was about to start postmodernism... but end with youth culture again!

-Such youthful identity is a matter of looking right (clothes,shoes, hairstyles) and sharing tastes (for styles of music, ways of having fun), and however different such youth groups are from eacg other (differences which have sometimes involved ritual fights - mods vs rockers, teds vs punks) they equally outrage 'straight' society - grown-ups, shopkeepers, the police, teachers, newspapers quick to use such peculiar images (girls with rings in their noses, boys with tattooed heads) for their shock value.

-Shared experiences make for shared needs. Eisenstadt argued that young people seek a sense of stability to offset the experience of change, a sense of self-esteem to offset the experience of powerlessness. Youth culture is the result. It provides a clear set of values, attitudes and behavioural norms to follow whatever else is going on; by acting on youth cultural rules young people can feel good whatever anyone else thinks of them.

-According to sub-cultural theory, then, youth styles are a form of resistance not because the stylists are consiously challenging 'bourgeois ideology' but because in using social signs to give themselves a sense of control over their own lives, group members simultaneously draw public attention to the contradictions in the dominant ideology as it related to their lives.

-Youth groups use their own area of power - their 'free time' - to make a gesture against their lot... Youth subculture can only cast spells against the boring powerlessness of the daily routine, but such magic does have cultural consequences. It challenges the ideology that normally keeps the social machinery working.

. Frith, S. (1984) The sociology of youth. Ormskirk: Causeway.


My reading today 今日讀書進度

-Several important indicators are raised by style. It expresses a degree of commitment to the subculture, and it indicates membership of a specific subculture which by its very appearance disregards or attacks dominant values. Style I shall define as consisting of three main elements:
a 'Image', appearance composed of costume, accessories such as hair-style, jewellery and artefacts.
b 'Demeanour', made up of expression, gait and posture. Roughly this is what the actors wear and how they wear it.
c 'Argot', a special vocabulary and how it is delivered.

-We may use clothing to challenge dominant norms, but we also make statements about our environment.
-Style also indicates a life style, and as such has an appeal to subterranean values which combine to make a visual challenge at both a structural and an existential level.

-Style as a subcultural level acts as a form of argot, drawing upon costume and artefacts from a mainstream fashion context and translating these into its own rhetoric.

-A new style is created by appropriating objects from an existing market of artefacts and using them in a form of collage, which recreates group identity, and promotes mutual recognition for members.

-It has been suggested that subcultures offer, on the one hand, solutions of a 'magical' (that is they appear to be solutions rather than are rather than of a real nature to inherent contradictions in the socio-economic system experienced at some level by the actor... on the other hand, the style of the subculture allows an expression of identity through a deliberate projection of a self-image, which claims an identity 'magically' freed from class and occupation.

-Actors, then, attracted by subcultural reference groups, select those within the parameters set by the social structure which contain an attractive self-image, and an apparent solution to structural problems. In this way actors enter into subcultural interpretations of the dominant hegemony, which presents them with a different perspective of social reality, or sometimes a different social reality. As such they are important agents of secondary socialisation. They introduce the values of the world outside work and school.

-For the young, however (and of course not all the young are involved in subcultures), subcultures assist them in dealing with both structural and individual problems. Some of them, especially in working-class youth subcultures, are transient solutions to specific problems. Others are of a more enduring nature leading to social change. Subcultures address themselves to structural problems, and implicitly contain a critique of society, admittedly often inarticulate and tangential.

.Brake, M. (1990) Comparative youth culture: the sociology of youth cultures and youth subcultures in America, Britain
and Canada. London: Routledge.


The 2nd shoot of the same day 第二次拍攝

Date: 10/09/09
Model: Ricci

Actually about the fabric series, this one was my original idea.
I twisted my idea then we had the first shoot.

However, I quite like the results of this one with little concern at the moment...

As a note 筆記

Alice in Wonderland 1
Alice in Wonderland 2
Tales of the Unexpected

The first shoot 第一次拍攝

Date: 10/09/09
Model: Ricci

The first idea is about fabrics; something necessary for costumes making.
They are most students, so economical aspect is a issue for them; at the same time, they also wish to have the best look of the character!
Thus, I am thinking about the struggle with price, texture, and the best performance.


Chungking Express 重慶森林

I knew this one for a long time! However, haven't really watched it.
To search the point to re-start my project, I watched it last night.

As usual, I like the scene as rough as it presents in front of my eyes. It is a sense of real life, something not very delicate all the time. Colour is strong just like all his movies, for me, I would like to think the heavy tone is a specific humid atmosphere in sub-tropical country. Like my country Taiwan.
Cannot deny that I was influenced by my background a lot when doing my works, especially I didn't come here when young. Maybe it is also the reason I like his movies a lot.
The story, it is always murmuring. The pace is very slow but just like a lullaby; once if you started to listen it, you would be pulled into the melody. There is nowhere to start and it never end. BTW, everyone is so young in the movie lol

Hope this could be a nice beginning :)



Haven't really got time for updating things... and also wanna redo a bit of my websites... MESSY NOW
OH MY! Why sun light has gone so quickly?